利扎·弗希特曼 – 贝多芬小提琴协奏 (11.2MHz DSD256)

Ludwig van Beethoven: Violin Concerto & Romances 利扎·弗希特曼 – 贝多芬小提琴协奏 (11.2MHz DSD256)

公司:Challenge Classics

毫无疑问,贝多芬的小提琴协奏曲深受法国学派小提琴协奏曲的影响,尤其是乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·维奥塔(1755-1824)和鲁道夫·克鲁泽(1766-1831)的小提琴协奏曲。因此,贝多芬将其大调小提琴奏鸣曲《作品47》献给来自凡尔赛的伟大小提琴演奏家克鲁泽并不是巧合。然而,克鲁泽从未演奏过这首曲子,他抱怨这首曲子令人费解(“难以理解”)。贝多芬在乐器方面远远领先于他的时代。贝多芬的朋友弗兰兹·克莱门特(Franz Clement,1780-1842)的小提琴演奏据说特别亲切、优雅,有着始终如一的语调和高度发达的鞠躬技巧。这一定对贝多芬有很大的吸引力,因为他不喜欢那种让人眼花缭乱的、示范性的演奏方式,在这种演奏方式中,许多小提琴手都在闪闪发光,并试图赢得观众的喜爱

Beethoven’s Violin Concerto was beyond any doubt strongly influenced by the violin concertos of the French school, especially those of Giovanni Battista Viotta (1755-1824) and Rodolphe Kreutzer (1766-1831). It was therefore no coincidence that Beethoven dedicated his Violin Sonata in A major, Op. 47, to Kreutzer, a violinist from Versailles who was one of the instrument’s great virtuosos. Kreutzer, however, never played the piece and complained that it was incomprehensible (“rageusement intelligible”). Beethoven was far ahead of his time for the instrument. The violin playing of Beethoven’s friend Franz Clement (1780-1842) was said to be especially intimate and gracious, with unfailing intonation and a highly developed bowing technique. That must have greatly appealed to Beethoven, for he was no fan of the dazzling, demonstrative type of playing in which so many violinists shone and resorted to to win over

  1. Violin Concerto op. 61 D major Allegro ma non troppo
  2. Violin Concerto op. 61 D major Larghetto
  3. Violin Concerto op. 61 D major Rondo
  4. Romance for violin and Orchestra op. 40 G-dur
  5. Romance for violin and Orchestra op. 50 F-dur



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