Yuja Wang & Gautier Capuçon present new recording of Rachmaninoff’s Sonata for Piano and Cello

Rachmaninoff – Cello Sonata in G. Op. 19 (Yuja Wang & Gautier Capucon) 24-96


拉赫玛尼诺夫的大提琴奏鸣曲作品19是晚期浪漫主义音乐的伟大里程碑之一,在王玉嘉和高蒂埃·卡普松找到了理想的翻译家。他们为Deutsche Grammophon录制的新作品显示了平等的伙伴关系,他们完全沉浸在音乐的动荡情绪和鲜明的表达对比中。该专辑将于2021年11月19日以数字方式发行,并将成为王菲、卡普松和单簧管演奏家安德烈亚斯·奥滕萨默的完整专辑的一部分,该专辑将于明年10月与布拉姆斯的第一大提琴奏鸣曲和单簧管三重奏合奏。
拉赫玛尼诺夫奏鸣曲对两位演奏者都提出了同样高的要求。从开场乐章的黑暗和绝望到最后乐章的欣喜若狂,王和卡普çon这对普通的室内舞伴展现了他们之间深厚的交流关系,传达了乐谱的每一个戏剧性转折。王玉嘉在《拉赫玛尼诺夫》中的艺术表现因其引人注目的“惊人的设备”(留声机)、“精妙的演奏”(伦敦《标准晚报》)和“魔鬼可能会关心的魅力和灵巧”(卫报)的结合而受到赞扬。与此同时,戈蒂埃·卡普松(Gautier Capuçon)以其惊人的激情和不可思议的音色范围而闻名的表演赢得了赞誉。
拉赫玛尼诺夫于1901年11月完成了他的奏鸣曲,其巨大的情感范围和战胜逆境的感觉反映了这样一个事实:在他的第一首交响曲灾难性的首演之后,他终于从四年多前遭受的精神崩溃中恢复过来。这首奏鸣曲是为大提琴演奏家安纳托利·布兰杜科夫(Anatoliy Brandukov)创作的,并献给他。布兰杜科夫于1901年12月在莫斯科与作曲家在键盘前进行了首次演奏。由于该作品的交响范围和钢琴部分的突出性和难度,拉赫玛尼诺夫不愿意将其称为大提琴奏鸣曲,并于1902年以“G小调钢琴和大提琴奏鸣曲”为题出版。这位作曲家很快就投身于舞台、交响乐团和合唱团的创作,这是他对室内乐曲目的最后也是最大的贡献。

Rachmaninoff’s Cello Sonata Op.19, one of the great landmarks of late Romantic music, has found its ideal interpreters in Yuja Wang and Gautier Capuçon. Their new recording of the work for Deutsche Grammophon projects a partnership of equals fully immersed in the music’s turbulent emotions and striking expressive contrasts. Released digitally on 19 November 2021, it will also form part of a full album from Wang, Capuçon and clarinettist Andreas Ottensamer to follow next October, on which it will be coupled with Brahms’s Cello Sonata No. 1 and Clarinet Trio.“In the last few years of working together, Gautier and I have developed a way of finishing each other’s musical sentences,” says Yuja Wang. “The dialogue Rachmaninoff creates in his Sonata is very special, and it felt almost as if his spirit was inspiring us during our sessions in Dortmund this summer.” The cellist agrees: “It’s always a delight to make music with Yuja,” he says. “Everything flowed with such ease with this recording. And there was an electricity in the air that is so rare and so beautiful.”The Rachmaninoff Sonata is a work that makes equally high demands on both players. Revealing the depth of their communicative connection, regular chamber partners Wang and Capuçon convey every dramatic twist and turn of its score, from the darkness and despair of the opening movement to the joyful ecstasy of the finale. Yuja Wang’s artistry in Rachmaninoff has been praised for its compelling combination of “astonishing facility” (Gramophone), “exquisitely nuanced playing” (Evening Standard, London) and “devil-may-care glamour and dexterity” (Guardian). Gautier Capuçon, meanwhile, has earned acclaim for performances noted for their striking passion and uncanny range of tone colours.Rachmaninoff completed his Sonata in November 1901, and its huge emotional range and sense of triumph over adversity reflect the fact that he had finally recovered from the breakdown he had suffered more than four years earlier, following the disastrous premiere of his First Symphony. The Sonata was written for and dedicated to virtuoso cellist Anatoliy Brandukov, who gave its first performance in Moscow in December 1901 with the composer at the keyboard.  Because of the work’s symphonic scope and the prominence and difficulty of its piano part, Rachmaninoff was reluctant to call it a cello sonata and it was published in 1902 under the title “Sonata for Piano and Cello in G minor”. The composer was soon immersed in creating works for the stage, symphony orchestra and choral forces and this proved to be his last and greatest contribution to the chamber music repertoire.

  1. I. Lento. Allegro moderatoTrack length
  2. II. Allegro scherzandoTrack length
  3. III. AndanteTrack length
  4. IV. Allegro mossoTrack length



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