贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲 春天·克鲁采 (2.8MHz DSD)

贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲 春天·克鲁采 (2.8MHz DSD) 吕思清,黄蒙拉

贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲 春天·克鲁采 (2.8MHz DSD) 吕思清,黄蒙拉
贝多芬小提琴奏鸣曲 春天·克鲁采 (2.8MHz DSD) 吕思清,黄蒙拉




吕思清在1987年摘得帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛冠军,这不仅成为了那个时代最轰动的音乐新闻,也成为了中国小提琴家在这项举办于帕格尼尼故乡的赛事上创造一连串奇迹的开始。时隔 15 年,中国小提琴家黄蒙拉在2002年的帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛上再度夺魁。在这里,我们听到的是他们分别演奏贝多芬最著名的两首小提琴奏鸣曲:“60 后”吕思清与钢琴家芦静怡演绎充满青青春意的“春天”奏鸣曲:朝气蓬勃,音色丰盈,沁人心脾;而“80 后”黄蒙拉与钢琴家薛颖佳合作完成的“克鲁采”奏鸣曲成熟内敛,用细节丰富的演奏撑起贝多芬宏大的构思,令长达40余分钟的作品听起来兴味盎然。

The two works were recorded on June 5, 2018 and November 1 and 2, 2016 in the recording studio of the National Grand Theater
The golden prize winner of Paganini international competition, LV Siqing and Huang Mengla perform Beethoven's Classic Violin Sonata spring · crutze, fresh and meaningful, full of passion
LV Siqing won the first prize of Paganini International Violin Competition in 1987, which not only became the most sensational music news of that era, but also became the beginning of a series of miracles created by Chinese violinists in this competition held in Paganini's hometown. After 15 years, Chinese violinist Huang Mengla won the second prize in the Paganini International Violin Competition in 2002. Here, we heard that they played two of Beethoven's most famous Violin Sonatas: "after 60" Lv Siqing and pianist Lu Jingyi performed the "spring" sonata full of green spring: vigorous, rich timbre, refreshing; and "80 years old" played by Lu Jingyi, a pianist "After" Huang Mengla and pianist Xue Yingjia completed the "krutzsche" sonata mature and introverted, with rich details to support Beethoven's grand idea, making the works as long as 40 minutes sound interesting.


  1. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.5 in F Major, Op.24 “Spring” I Allegro 425MB
  2. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.5 in F Major, Op.24 “Spring” II Adagio molto espressivo 255MB
  3. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.5 in F Major, Op.24 “Spring” III Scherzo. Allegro molto 48MB
  4. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.5 in F Major, Op.24 “Spring” IV Rondo. Allegro ma non troppo 284MB
  5. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.9 in A Major, Op.47 “Kreutzer” I Adagio sostenuto - Presto 6161MB
  6. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.9 in A Major, Op.47 “Kreutzer” II Andante con Variazioni(I-IV) 666MB
  7. Sonata for Piano and Violin No.9 in A Major, Op.47 “Kreutzer” III Presto 385MB


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