Yarlung records 10th anniversary vol 1 – 4
发行日期:September 4, 2015
“一个与我们的十周年纪念日同样重要的日子,为我们提供了一个反思过去十年以及我们的奋斗和成功的机会。我们最清楚地认识到,雅鲁藏布江的音乐质量和音乐家的才华使雅鲁藏江得以繁荣。我们希望音频演示像一扇干净的窗户,不会分散另一边美丽“景色”的注意力。其中一个例子是安东尼奥·莱西(Antonio Lysy)在《博德:阿根廷音乐》(The Broad:Music from Argentina)节目中的表演,该节目获得了我们的第一个格莱美奖,并在《绝对声音》(Absolute Sound)中被评为有史以来40张最佳唱片之一。如果您还没听过,请听一听第三卷中的第三首歌Graciela,其中包括与阿根廷Te Amo的乙烯基压榨音乐相同的音乐。或者看看两首已经成为发烧友测试录音的曲目,以及人们喜欢在音频节目中用来试听设备的所有铃声和口哨。第一卷是迭戈·希西的《朱伊戈·德·雷洛杰斯》,第三卷是JJ·柯克帕特里克的《奇异水果》即兴创作。NativeDSD社区是我们的音乐大家庭,我们为您制作这些DSD录音。加入并让我们知道此音乐在您的系统中的声音。感谢您在雅鲁藏布江第一个十年的支持!我们期待未来。”
亚龙唱片公司于2005年诞生,澳大利亚钢琴家冯国宝(David Fung)幸运地获得了发行。多亏了大卫的才华和智慧
第一张非营利专辑,美国年轻钢琴家Orion Weiss的首张专辑,正是通过她的慷慨支持、友谊和参与,我们为您带来了这张10周年纪念专辑。非常感谢,安。请加入我们的音乐家,我们吹灭生日蛋糕上的十支蜡烛。我们将对下一个十年寄予殷切的祝愿。
“An anniversary as important as our tenth offers us a moment to reflect on this past decade and our struggles and successes. We realize more than anything that it is the quality of the music and the talent of Yarlung’s musicians that have enabled Yarlung to thrive. We want the audio presentation to be like a clean window, which does not distract from the beautiful “view” on the other side. An example of this was Antonio Lysy at The Broad: Music from Argentina, which won our first GRAMMY Award and was ranked in The Absolute Sound as one of the 40 Best recordings of all time. If you haven’t heard it yet, take a listen to Graciela, track 3 in volume 3, which includes the same music as on our vinyl pressing of Te Amo, Argentina. Or check out two tracks that have become audiophile test recordings, with all the bells and whistles that people like to use to audition equipment at audio shows. One is Diego Schissi’s Juego de Relojes in volume 1 and another is JJ Kirkpatrick’s improvisation on Strange Fruit in volume 3. The NativeDSD community is our musical family and we make these DSD recordings for you. Chime in and let us know how this music sounds on your system. Thanks for your support during Yarlung’s first decade! We look forward to the future.”
Yarlung Records was born in 2005, with an auspicious release for Australian pianist David Fung. Thanks to David’s talent and
the success of the musicians with whom we have collaborated over the past 10 years, Yarlung Records has thrived. Thanks also
to important guidance from leaders in the music industry, generous board members and visionary executive producers, Yarlung
has survived and grown. We were told we couldn’t do it, that record labels were dead, that few people paid for music anymore
and that MP3s and earbuds had deafened people to recorded music’s subtle details. While it is true that young people spend
more of their discretionary money on interactive computer games today rather than on 78s, LPs, CDs and downloads, as prior
generations have done, connoisseurs remain steadfast in their support of the recording arts. When they learn about Yarlung’s
mission, more people responded enthusiastically than with discouragement. Executive producer Ann Mulally supported our
first nonprofit album, a debut recording with the young American pianist Orion Weiss, and it is through her generous support, friendship and engagement that we bring you this 10th Anniversary album. Many thanks, Ann. Please join our musicians as we blow out the ten candles on this birthday cake. We will make ardent wishes for the next decade.
- Recercada Ottava
- Juego de Relojes – Game of Clocks
- I’m Old Fashioned
- String Trio in C Minor Opus 9, Nr 3 – Mov III. Scherzo – Allegro molto e vivace
- Violin Concerto in D Major – Mov II. Romanze
- Ropes of Sand
- Partita No. 2 In D Minor Bwv 1004: Mov VI. Ciaccona
- J’ay pris amours
- Brandenburg Concerto No. 4, BWV 1049: Mov I. Allegro
- For Sebastian
- Sonata for solo ‘cello
- Symphony No. 5: Mov IV. Adagietto (F Major)
- Mein Herze schwimmt im Blut, BWV 199
- Frondi tenere e belle… Ombra mai fu
- Happenstance: Mov IV. On the Road
- Graciela y Buenos Aires
- Chiaccona in partite variate
- Strange Fruit
- Chinbep puja (Blessing of the Environment)
- Ballade No. 1 in G Minor, Op. 23
- Simpler Times
- L’Eroica
- Violin Sonata No. 3 in D Minor Op 108: Mov III & IV
- watch me vanish, watch me?
- String Trio: Mov II. Obstinate Spaces
- Nocturne in C sharp Minor op. post.
- Tan Dun Eight Memories in Watercolor: Mov I. Missing Moon
- Zamba
- Gone
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