海洋 (Ocean)

Dirk Maassen是一名居住在德国乌尔姆的德国作曲家兼钢琴家。 他从10岁开始弹钢琴,并在他早期音乐生涯研究了各种各样的音乐风格。他因动感、温柔和时尚的声音而享誉国际。20世纪80年代人们对数字录音的使用增加,随之合成器使用的增加,合成流行音乐和非传统乐器以及其他电子类型越来越受欢迎。90年代,Dirk Maassen和他的乐队巡演,发行了两张专辑和他的《未知的视野》专辑。在千禧年的黎明时分,Dirk隐退了一段时间,离开了公共音乐界。他最终在2010年以钢琴独奏回归公众,据他说,这是最直接的乐器,将想法和情感物化成与这个世界相连的东西,并能与观众产生共鸣。这不仅引起了他的共鸣,而且似乎还吸引了越来越多的追随者,开始彻底改变他的生活。如今,凭借spotify、soundcloud和youtube上的庞大粉丝群,Dirk已跻身全球流量最大的钢琴作曲家之列。他的作品和剧本深深打动了全世界数百万的听众,并在多个电影项目中出现,包括2015年戛纳电影节获奖的电影配乐《十字路口》。2019年6月,Dirk与Sony Classical唱片公司签订了独家协议,于2020年年初发行他的专辑《海洋》。
Dirk Maassen is a German composer and pianist who lives in Ulm, Germany. He began playing the piano at the age of 10 and studied a variety of musical styles in his early career. He is internationally renowned for his dynamic, gentle and fashionable voice. In the 1980s, with the increasing use of digital recording and synthesizer, synthetic pop music, non-traditional instruments and other electronic types became more and more popular. In the 1990s, Dirk Maassen and his band toured and released two albums and his “unknown vision” album. At the dawn of the millennium, Dirk retired for a while, leaving the public music world. He eventually returned to the public as a piano solo in 2010, which, according to him, is the most direct instrument that materializes ideas and emotions into something connected to the world and resonates with the audience. This not only resonated with him, but also seemed to attract more and more followers and began to completely change his life. Today, Dirk is one of the world’s most prolific piano composers with a huge fan base on spotify, Soundcloud and Youtube. His works and plays have deeply touched millions of audiences around the world and have appeared in a number of film projects, including the 2015 Cannes Film Festival award-winning soundtrack crossroads. In June 2019, Dirk signed an exclusive agreement with Sony classic to release his album ocean in early 2020.
The author states that it is difficult for him to express his heart with words, so he uses music instead of language to express himself. His childhood memories are always surrounded by music, which gives him inspiration. When he went to church, he was eager to communicate with God, and music was his bridge. Music is a feeling, and feeling is also music.
- Feather 80MB
- Fjara 67MB
- Peace of Mind 75MB
- Eternal (mvmt. I) 58MB
- Eternal (mvmt. II) 78MB
- What We Are 65MB
- To Fly 90MB
- The Pursuit of Happiness 94MB
- Two Skies 70MB
- OrangeGreen 82MB
- Ocean 91MB
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