巴赫:郭德堡变奏曲 J.S Bach - Goldberg variationen

码率:2822400 Hz/1bit
他们经常在德国、欧洲、美国等地进行巡迴,在室内乐演奏上享有极高地位。本片Tacet透过了一对Neumann M49、以及一对Neumann U47,捕捉盖德三重奏詮释巴哈的神韵,价值连城的收音器材,加上完美无瑕的动人演出,精彩地将巴哈音乐的神韵、内涵加以完美捕捉。并同时採用DSD MIXING混音技术处理压制成双层 SACD,让乐器表现和乐曲演绎上更胜普通CD效果,呈现出前所未有的流畅细致。高水準的录音与制作除了早已让[CD层]音效直达示范级天碟之外,[SACD层]音色更是超乎所有行家想像。无论是「定位感」、「空间感」、「层次感」以及「透明度」都让人宛如置身现场一般! 全碟音效从头至尾靚绝通透、立体饱满,『正』到令人发晕,诱人出眾的美妙音色,能不陶醉者几稀,不愧是当今市面上眾多 SACD 中真正的「超级CD」(Super Audio CD)! 身为发烧友的您,岂能错过?
J.S. Bach: Goldberg Variationen - Gaede Trio. 2005 TACET-SACD (Sony PS3 Rip)
Sony PS3 SACD to *ISO | DST 1bit-2822,4kHz 2.0, 5.1
Classical | Label: TACET | Catalog Number: S70
Published on June 4, 2005
BACH: The Goldberg Variations BWV 988, string trio version – The Gaede Trio – (Tacet 4.0 SACD)
BACH: The Goldberg Variations BWV 988, string trio version
- The Gaede Trio – Tacet multichannel (4.0) SACD S 70, 90:04 (CD layer: 68:40) ***1/2:
The very flexible Goldberg Variations may be and has been performed by many different instruments as well as by solo keyboards. The Gaede Trio
plays a string trio version by Sitkovetsky for violin, viola and cello. First, to the timing listed above: I didn’t know it was possible to get more time on a SACD than on a standard CD but if the above figure is correct, Tacet seems to have expanded the limit by ten minutes. Yet the jewelbox also lists: “CD Version: 68:14.” That is a version of the variations in which all the repeats have been edited out in order to reduce the total time to fit the limitations of the hybrid SACD format, which would not allow three 90 minute programs on the single disc.
With a trio it would seem the ideal multichannel recording setup would be three front channels – in other words using the center channel, but this SACD is only four channel. However, Tacet is known for an experimental attitude to working with the spatial possibilities of multichannel. So Producer/Engineer Andreas Spreer asked the musicians to vary their sitting positions relative to the two front microphones, depending on the musical requirements of each separate variation in the set of 30. This they did, so if the three instruments seem to be moving around a bit from one track to another, it’s not your imagination. (For more active spatial movement see the review of the Tacet Peter and the Wolf!) Being an occasional harpsichordist myself I find the trio approach less interesting than some of the Goldberg alternatives, but anyone deeply into string quartet literature would probably appreciate this interpretation more.
– John Sunier
- Aria 4:29
- Variatio 1 a 1 Clav. 2:06
- Variatio 2 a 1 Clav. 1:56
- Variatio 3 a 1 Clav. 2:28
- Variatio 4 a 1 Clav. 1:16
- Variatio 5 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav. 1:38
- Variatio 6 a 1 Clav. 1:21
- Variatio 7 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav.. 2:27
- Variatio 8 a 2 Clav. 2:00
- Variatio 9 a 1 Clav. 3:04
- Variatio 10 a 1 Clav. Fughetta 1:37
- Variatio 11 a 2 Clav. 2:15
- Variatio 12 2:19
- Variatio 13 a 2 Clav. 7:10
- Variatio 14 a 2 Clav. 2:05
- Variatio 15 a 1 Clav. 5:40
- Variatio 16 a 1 Clav. 3:05
- Variatio 17 a 2 Clav. 1:41
- Variatio 18 a 1 Clav. 1:33
- Variatio 19 a 1 Clav. 1:28
- Variatio 20 a 2 Clav. 2:09
- Variatio 21 a 1 Clav. 3:23
- Variatio 22 a 1 Clav. 2:14
- Variatio 23 a 2 Clav. 2:16
- Variatio 24 a 1 Clav. 3:30
- Variatio 25 a 2 Clav. 8:33
- Variatio 26 a 2 Clav. 1:52
- Variatio 27 a 2 Clav. 2:26
- Variatio 28 a 2 Clav. 2:37
- Variatio 29 a 1 ovvero 2 Clav. 2:14
- Variatio 30 a 1 Clav. 2:20
- Aria da capo al fine 4:39
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