Beethoven – Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7

Beethoven – Beethoven: Symphonies Nos. 5 & 7


格式:DSF DSD128 

指挥家曼弗雷德·霍内克(Manfred Honeck)在他迷人而透彻的音符中写道:“贝多芬的录音总是一个伟大的场合和事件。音乐的历史性诠释与匹兹堡交响乐团的辉煌演奏以及美妙的Soundmirror技术相结合,使得这段由2014年12月的三场现场音乐会组成的录音成为可能。深入研究贝多芬的作品是一种乐趣,同时也发现了音乐的意义和内容,以及它被创作的原因。对我来说,这永远是创作过程中最美好的部分。”
自1896年以来,匹兹堡交响乐团以其卓越的艺术成就、世界上最优秀的指挥家和音乐家的丰富历史以及对匹兹堡地区及其公民的坚定承诺而闻名。过去的音乐导演中有许多伟大的人物,包括弗里茨·雷纳(1938-1948)、威廉·斯坦伯格(1952-1976)、安德烈·普雷文(1976-1984)、洛林·马泽尔(1984-1996)和玛丽斯·詹森(1995-2004)。2008年秋天,奥地利指挥家曼弗雷德·霍内克(Manfred Honeck)成为匹兹堡交响乐团的音乐总监,这一杰出国际音乐总监的传统得到了进一步发扬。
匹兹堡交响乐团一直站在支持美国新作品的最前沿,1944年首次演出了伦纳德·伯恩斯坦的第一交响乐《耶利米》,1986年首次演出了约翰·亚当斯的《快速机器中的短途旅行》。匹兹堡交响乐团在录音和广播音乐会领域有着悠久而辉煌的历史。早在1936年,匹兹堡交响乐团就在海岸到海岸的无线电波中进行了广播,并在1970年代末制作了开创性的PBS系列节目“普雷文和匹兹堡”。自1982年以来,该乐团通过国际公共广播电台(Public radio International)的网络广播(由经典WQED-FM 89.3制作)获得了越来越多的全国关注,匹兹堡交响乐团的音乐家们使之成为可能。

Conductor Manfred Honeck writes in his fascinating and thorough music notes: “A recording of Beethoven is always a great occasion and event. The marrying of the music’s historic interpretation with the brilliance of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra’s playing and the fantastic technique of Soundmirror have made this recording, comprised of three live concerts from December 2014, possible. It has been a joy to look deeply into that which Beethoven has composed, while also discovering the sense and content of the music and thus the reason why it has been written. For me, this is always the most beautiful part of the creative process.”
This release is the fourth in the highly acclaimed Pittsburgh Live! series of multi-channel hybrid SACD releases on the FRESH! series from Reference Recordings. Each, including the newest Bruckner 4(FR-713SACD) has received dozens of critical accolades. Dvořák/Janáček (FR-710SACD), garnered a GRAMMY® nomination for Best Orchestral Performance.
Since 1896, the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra has been known for its artistic excellence, a rich history of the world’s finest conductors and musicians, and a strong commitment to the Pittsburgh region and its citizens. Past music directors have included many of the greats, including Fritz Reiner (1938-1948), William Steinberg (1952-1976), Andre Previn (1976-1984), Lorin Maazel (1984-1996) and Mariss Jansons (1995-2004). This tradition of outstanding international music directors was furthered in fall 2008, when Austrian conductor Manfred Honeck became music director of the Pittsburgh Symphony.
The orchestra has been at the forefront of championing new American works, and gave the first performance of Leonard Bernstein’s Symphony No. 1 “Jeremiah” in 1944, and John Adams’ “Short Ride in a Fast Machine” in 1986. The Pittsburgh Symphony has a long and illustrious history in the areas of recordings and radio concerts. As early as 1936, the Pittsburgh Symphony broadcast on the airwaves coast-to-coast and in the late 1970s it made the groundbreaking PBS series “Previn and the Pittsburgh.” The orchestra has received increased national attention since 1982 through network radio broadcasts on Public Radio International, produced by Classical WQED-FM 89.3, which are made possible by the musicians of the Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra.

  1. Allegro Con Brio
  2. Andante Con Moto
  3. Allegro
  4. Allegro Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92
  5. Poco Sostenuteo — Vivace
  6. Allegretto
  7. Presto
  8. Allegro Con Brio



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