
2020维也纳新年音乐会 (安德里斯·尼尔森斯 维也纳爱乐乐团)

2020维也纳新年音乐会 (安德里斯·尼尔森斯 维也纳爱乐乐团)
2020维也纳新年音乐会 (安德里斯·尼尔森斯 维也纳爱乐乐团)



指挥棒落下的一刻,《流浪汉序曲》从金色大厅传来,维也纳爱乐乐团(Vienna Philharmonic)如期而至,拉开了2020年的序幕。本专辑收录了2020年维也纳新年音乐会的全部曲目。
一年一度的维也纳新年音乐会是世界上最负盛名的古典音乐盛会,除了金色大厅现场的三千名幸运观众之外,更吸引了九十多个国家、超过四千万人观看或者收听。这个以演出施特劳斯家族作品闻名的音乐节庆,每年邀请的指挥家同样是万众瞩目的焦点。来自拉脱维亚的指挥家安德里斯·尼尔森斯(Andris Nelsons) 目前是波士顿交响乐团、莱比锡布商大厦管弦乐团的音乐总监,曾师从著名指挥家马里斯·扬松斯。他已经与维也纳爱乐乐团合作了60多场音乐会,但这却是他首次执棒维也纳新年音乐会。尼尔森斯绝对堪称当今职业音乐家中的“全球劳模”——根据BACHTRACH的数据,他以全年指挥121场音乐会的骄人成绩,荣登“2018年度最忙碌指挥家”的榜首,比第二名捷杰耶夫足足多了28场。
2020年是贝多芬诞辰250周年。今年的维也纳新年音乐会特意选取了贝多芬的《十二首乡村舞曲》(Twelve Contredanses)作为对贝多芬的致敬。乐团在中场休息时还播放了以贝多芬在维也纳的生活和音乐创作为主题的专题片,拉开了2020年纪念贝多芬诞辰250周年系列演出的帷幕。

When the baton fell, the tramp Overture came from the golden hall, and the Vienna Philharmonic arrived as scheduled, opening the year 2020. This album contains all the music of the 2020 Vienna New Year Concert.
The annual Vienna New Year Concert is the most famous classical music event in the world. In addition to the 3000 lucky audiences in the golden hall, it has attracted more than 90 countries and more than 40 million people to watch or listen. This music festival, famous for the performance of Strauss family works, invites the conductor every year, who is also the focus of attention. Andris Nelson, a conductor from Latvia, is currently the music director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra and Leipzig bussiness building orchestra. He once worked with Maris Jansson, a famous conductor. He has worked with the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra for more than 60 concerts, but this is his first time at the Vienna New Year Concert. Nielsen is absolutely the "global model worker" among today's professional musicians. According to bachtrach, with his outstanding performance of conducting 121 concerts in the whole year, Nielsen is ranked the top of the "busiest conductor of the year 2018", 28 more than the second djiev.
2020 marks the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth. This year's Vienna New Year's concert specially selected Beethoven's twelve rural dances as a tribute to Beethoven. During the intermission, the orchestra also played a feature film with Beethoven's life and music creation in Vienna as the theme, opening the curtain of a series of performances to commemorate the 250th anniversary of Beethoven's birth in 2020.
Welcome to new year's greetings from Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra!


01.Die Landstreicher Ouverture 102MB
02.Liebesgrüsse, Op. 56 152MB
03.Liechtenstein-Marsch, Op. 36 67MB
04.Blumenfest-Polka, Op. 111 52MB
05.Wo die Zitronen blühen, Op. 364 174MB
06.Knall und Fall - Polka schnell, Op. 132 53MB
07.Leichte Kavallerie Overture 141MB
08.Cupido-Polka, Op. 81 64MB
09.Seid umschlungen, Millionen, Waltz, Op. 443 190MB
10.Eisblumem, Op. 55 90MB
11.Gavotte 92MB
12.Postillon Galop, Op. 16 No. 2 49MB
13.Contredanses (12), WoO 14 (excerpts) 86MB
14.Freut euch des Lebens Waltz, Op. 340 149MB
15.Tritsch-Tratsch Polka, Op. 214 53MB
16.Dynamiden - Waltz Op. 173 196MB
17.Im Fluge Op. 230 Polka schnell 43MB
18.Neujahrsgruß New Year's Address All 18MB
19.An der schönen, blauen Donau, Op. 314 192MB
20.Radetzky March, Op. 228 82MB


百度网盘下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1WDZTOThRkpqrSkPs51w7gg ouka


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