Jason Roebke Quartet - Shimmering

Jason Roebke Quartet - Shimmering

发行日期:2015 年 8 月 24 日
公司:International Phonograph, Inc. & High Definition Tape Transfers

前卫贝斯手 Jason Roebke 在威斯康星州考考纳长大,14 岁开始弹奏贝斯。从劳伦斯大学毕业后,他搬到威斯康星州麦迪逊,跟随芝加哥爵士乐传奇人物 Roscoe Mitchell 学习。他于 1998 年从密歇根大学获得硕士学位,然后在第二年搬到芝加哥之前在阿尔比恩学院短暂任教。自从来到芝加哥后,Roebke 与该市许多最著名的前卫爵士音乐家合作演出,包括 Ken Vandermark、Jeb Bishop、Jeff Parker、Chad Taylor 和 Rob Mazurek。在 2001 年和 2002 年,Roebke 演奏了由 Fred Lonberg-Holm 领衔的两张唱片,Fred Katz 的情人节和 Terminal 4 的 When I'm Falling。他还多次与吉他手 Scott Fields 一起出现在唱片上。 Roebke 还多次前往日本,与 Toshimaru Nakamura、Taku Sugimoto 和 Tetuzi Akiyama 等音乐家合作演出。自 1998 年以来,Roebke 还与 Art Union Humanscape 合作演出,这是一个与舞蹈家 Ayako Kato 合作的二人组。 Tigersmilk 于 2003 年发行,其中包括 Roebke、Mazurek 和打击乐手 Dylan van der Schyff。

Avant-garde bassist Jason Roebke was raised in Kaukauna, WI, and he began playing bass at age 14. After graduating from Lawrence University, he moved to Madison, WI, to study with Chicago jazz legend Roscoe Mitchell. He earned a master's degree from the University of Michigan in 1998, then briefly taught at Albion College before moving to Chicago the following year. Since his arrival in Chicago, Roebke has performed with many of the city's most famous avant jazz musicians, including Ken Vandermark, Jeb Bishop, Jeff Parker, Chad Taylor, and Rob Mazurek. In 2001 and 2002, Roebke played on two recordings led by Fred Lonberg-Holm, A Valentine for Fred Katz and Terminal 4's When I'm Falling. He also repeatedly appeared on disc with guitarist Scott Fields. Roebke has also made numerous trips to Japan, performing with musicians like Toshimaru Nakamura, Taku Sugimoto, and Tetuzi Akiyama. Since 1998, Roebke has also performed with Art Union Humanscape, a duo with dancer Ayako Kato. Tigersmilk, which featured Roebke along with Mazurek and percussionist Dylan van der Schyff, was released in 2003.

01. Jason Roebke Quartet - Shimmering II.dsf
02. Jason Roebke Quartet - Sleep Over.dsf
03. Jason Roebke Quartet - Remember.dsf
04. Jason Roebke Quartet - Slow.dsf
05. Jason Roebke Quartet - No. 5.dsf
06. Jason Roebke Quartet - Ballad II.dsf



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