莱纳里姆斯基‧科萨科夫:天方夜谭 - 斯特拉文斯基:夜莺

莱纳里姆斯基‧科萨科夫:天方夜谭 - 斯特拉文斯基:夜莺

莱纳里姆斯基‧科萨科夫:天方夜谭 - 斯特拉文斯基:夜莺
莱纳里姆斯基‧科萨科夫:天方夜谭 - 斯特拉文斯基:夜莺




"Arabian Nights" is based on Arabian folk story "Arabian Nights". It is full of unique exotic romance. The song of the Nightingale, written in 1914, was made by the composer from his own opera Nightingale, while the original opera was based on Andersen's fairy tales, when Stravinsky was a student of limsky goshakov. The two works are included at the same time, which not only has the historical significance of the inheritance of teachers and apprentices, but also provides some clues for the evolution and change of musicians' styles.


  1. The Sea and Sinbad's Ship 320MB
  2. The Story of the Kalender Prince 402MB
  3. The Young Prince and the Young Princess 408MB
  4. Festival at Bagdad - The Sea - The Ship Breaks Against 417MB
  5. Presto 91MB
  6. Chinese March 133MB
  7. Song of the Nightingale 141MB
  8. The Mechanical Nightingale 32MB
  9. The Emperor's Displeasure at the Departure 40MB
  10. The Emperor's Sickroom 136MB
  11. The Real Nightingale Returns to Thwart Death 97MB
  12. Funeral March and Finale 101MB


百度网盘下载:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1bbXSWdOwynexFxp8y7sKmQ ?wrm1