Early Romantic Horn Sonatas (11.2MHz DSD)

Early Romantic Horn Sonatas (11.2MHz DSD)

Early Romantic Horn Sonatas (11.2MHz DSD)
Early Romantic Horn Sonatas (11.2MHz DSD)



在浪漫主义早期,随着专制主义的土崩瓦解,人们需要找到社会生活各领域的新方式。因为旧的规则已经消逝,另一种社会形态出现了,它是由诗人、画家和音乐家们共同塑造的。他们看到了更高的、本质的世界秩序,这种秩序需要个人感知,再通过综合的艺术表达出来。尤其是音乐领域,这些想法通过自由的新风格表现出来。Franz Danzi、Ferdinand Ries和Nikolaus von Krufft为钢琴和圆号而作的奏鸣曲充分营造了两种乐器之间的对话感。音色丰富,超越古典框架,寻觅新的表达方式。Steinar Granmo Nilsen和Kristin Fossheim的演奏热情丰富,体现了浪漫早期的一种观点:音乐是所有艺术中最高贵的。

In the early days of romanticism, with the collapse of despotism, people need to find new ways in all fields of social life. Because the old rules have disappeared, another social form has emerged, which is shaped by poets, painters and musicians. They see a higher and essential world order, which needs personal perception and then expressed through comprehensive art. Especially in the field of music, these ideas are expressed through a new style of freedom. The Sonatas for Piano and horn by Franz Danzi, Ferdinand ries and Nikolaus von krufft create a sense of dialogue between the two instruments. Rich timbre, beyond the classical framework, looking for new ways of expression. Steinar granmo Nilsen and Kristin fossheim’s performance is full of enthusiasm, which reflects a view in the early Romantic Period: music is the most noble of all arts.


  1. Ferdinand Ries: Grande Sonate F-Dur op. 34 (1811): I. Larghetto. Allegro molto
  2. Ferdinand Ries: Grande Sonate F-Dur op. 34 (1811): II. Andante
  3. Ferdinand Ries: Grande Sonate F-Dur op. 34 (1811): III. Rondo Allegro
  4. Franz Danzi: Sonate Es-Dur op. 28 (1804): I. Adagio. Allegro
  5. Franz Danzi: Sonate Es-Dur op. 28 (1804): II. Larghetto
  6. Franz Danzi: Sonate Es-Dur op. 28 (1804): III. Allegretto
  7. Nikolaus von Krufft: Sonate E-Dur (1812): I. Allegro moderato
  8. Nikolaus von Krufft: Sonate E-Dur (1812): II. Andante espressivo
  9. Nikolaus von Krufft: Sonate E-Dur (1812): III. Rondo alla Polacca


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