The Lord Of The Rings The Fellowship Of The Ring - The Complete Recordings 指环王 :护戒使者

英国鬼才导演彼得杰克森结合最新电影特效的魔幻新作,根据托尔金畅销全球的经典小说「魔戒三部曲」改编,并以三部曲的方式拍摄,「首部曲─魔戒现身」描述史前世界中,一位名叫佛罗多巴金的年轻人,无意中得到了一只魔戒。这只戒指拥有无穷的神秘力量,戒指原来是黑暗君王索伦所有的,却意外地到了佛罗多手里。佛罗多决定将戒指摧毁,以免索伦夺回去巩固自己的势力。索伦为了阻止佛罗多,于是派出了手下的怪兽加以追杀,一场正邪大战眼看著一触即发…本片背景是在神秘的史前时代,由一场正邪战役所引发的长篇故事,这个拯救人类的危险任务落在年轻的哈比族人─佛罗多巴金身上,他从表哥巴伯那里得到了一指无邪的魔幻戒指。佛罗多发现这只戒指的制造者是黑暗魔君索伦,而索伦正急著要把戒指找回去。因为这只戒指是代表伟大邪恶势力的魔戒,将使索伦统治下的人民得到解放,而他统治的这片土地就是俗称的中土世界。匆忙之下,佛罗多结合了一些救援力量包括了术士小精灵、侏儒及人类,一起协助他前往中土世界,将戒指丢入魔宫之洞的末日山脉中加以摧毁... 《指环王》以四项奥斯卡大奖震惊全世界,其中电影原声音乐获第74届奥斯卡最佳原创配乐大奖。汇集了爱尔兰New Age音乐女王Enya和擅长惊栗片配乐的Howard Shore这两位蛮声国际的音乐人为该片创作的电影原声大碟《指环王》也将是一张绝对值得广大乐迷和影迷期待和珍藏的原声专辑。无论是Enya为该片创作的主题曲《May it be》,还是Howard Shore在该片中气势磅礴的配乐,都能让你体验到那种只有在梦中才能体验的感觉。
Based on Tolkien's best-selling classic novel the Lord of the rings, Peter Jackson, a British wizard director, combined with the latest special effects film, adapted and filmed in the form of a trilogy. The first film, the Lord of the rings, describes a young man named Frodo Bakin who accidentally got a ring in the prehistoric world. This ring has infinite mysterious power. It was originally owned by Sauron, the dark king, but unexpectedly it came to Frodo's hand. Frodo decided to destroy the ring, so as not to take Soren back to consolidate his power. Soren in order to stop Frodo, so sent his monsters to kill, a fight between the good and evil, watching a hair trigger The background of this film is a long story triggered by a battle of good and evil in the mysterious prehistoric era. The dangerous task of saving human beings falls on the young habi people, Frodo Bajin. He gets a magic ring from his cousin Baber. Frodo found out that the maker of the ring was Soren, the Dark Lord, and Soren was anxious to find it back. Because this ring is the ring representing the great evil forces, which will liberate the people under Sauron's rule, which is commonly known as the Middle Earth world. In a hurry, Frodo combined a number of rescue forces, including sorcerers, elves, dwarfs and humans, to help him go to the Middle Earth world, and throw the ring into the doomsday mountains of the cave of the magic palace and destroy it. The movie soundtrack Lord of the rings, which is composed of Enya, the queen of Ireland's new age music queen, and Howard Shore, who is good at the soundtrack of thrillers, will also be a soundtrack album worthy of the expectation and collection of fans. Whether it's Enya's theme song "may it be" or Howard Shore's majestic soundtrack in the film, you can experience the feeling that you can only experience in a dream.
- Prologue: One Ring to Rule Them All
- The Shire
- Bag End
- Very Old Friends
- Flaming Red Hair
- Farewell Dear Bilbo
- Keep It Secret, Keep It Safe
- A Conspiracy Unmasked
- Three Is Company
- The Passing of the Elves
- Saruman the White
- A Shortcut to Mushrooms
- Strider
- The Nazgul
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