Katia & Marielle Labèque - Les enfants terribles

Katia & Marielle Labèque - Les enfants terribles 24-48

Quality:Hi-Res | FLAC | 48kHz/24bit
Year Of Release:23rd Oct 2020
Total Time: 63 minutes
Total Size: 552MB

卡蒂亚和玛丽·拉凯克以二重唱的融合和活力而闻名,他们在世界各地追求惊人的事业,支持古典曲目和当代创作。在与奥利维尔·梅西恩、卢西亚诺·贝里奥、格尔吉·利盖蒂、皮埃尔·布列兹合作后,在过去几年中,他们继续创作路易·安德里森、菲利普·格拉斯、布莱斯·德斯纳、,汤姆·约克和很快尼科·穆利·菲利普·格拉斯的音乐在卡蒂亚和玛丽·拉凯克的创作中占有特殊地位,因为他们已经是他的双钢琴协奏曲的献身者。是作曲家本人在让·科克托(Jean Cocteau)的小说《悲惨的孩子》(Les Enfants Terribles)之后选择改编他的歌剧《悲惨的孩子》(Les Terribles),改编自一套钢琴二重奏组曲,并将改编工作委托给迈克尔·里斯曼(Michael Riesman),他长期的合作者和编曲人
让·科克托(Jean Cocteau)和菲利普·格拉斯(Philip Glass)的作品在这张专辑中相互对峙,罗南·戴·刘易斯(Ronan Day Lewis)将这两个迷失的灵魂的主题深深地联系在一起,这两个灵魂在他们的世界的创造中被孤立

The new recording captures the pianists’ special artistic relationship with Philip Glass – a follow-up to the Double Piano Concerto the composer dedicated to the sisters in 2015 Presenting the opera Les Enfants terribles arranged for piano duet, dedicated to Katia & Marielle Labèque, and Etudes No. 17 & 20

Katia & Marielle Labèque are known for the fusion and energy of their duet, pursuing a stunning career all around the world, supporting both the classical repertoire and the contemporary creation. After having worked with Olivier Messiaen, Luciano Berio, György Ligeti, Pierre Boulez, in the last years they continued to create works written specifically for them by Louis Andriessen, Philip Glass, Bryce Dessner, Thom Yorke and soon Nico Muhly Philip Glass’s music occupies a special place in Katia & Marielle Labèque’s creation since they are already dedicatees of his Double Concerto for two pianos. It’s the composer himself who chose to adapt his opera Les Enfants Terribles after Jean Cocteau's novel for them, in a suite for piano duet, entrusting the adaptation to Michael Riesman, his longtime collaborator and arranger

The album in which the work of Jean Cocteau and Philip Glass confront each other was put into images by Ronan Day-Lewis who deeply connects the subject of two lost souls isolated in the creation of their world

  1. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 1. Overture
  2. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 2. Paul Is Dying
  3. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 3. The Somnambulist
  4. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 4. She Slapped Me
  5. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 5. They Lived Their Dream
  6. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 6. Terrible Interlude
  7. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 7. Cocoon Of Shawls
  8. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 8. Lost
  9. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman) 9. Are You in Love, Agathe?
  10. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 10. She Took The Path
  11. Les enfants terribles (Arr. for Piano duet by Michael Riesman): 11. Paul’s End
  12. Études: No. 17
  13. Études: No. 20



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