
Frozen 2 (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack/Deluxe Edition) 电影《冰雪奇缘2》豪华版原声


码率:192000 Hz/24bit
公司:Walt Disney Records

在这张46首歌曲专辑的亮点中,有两首由艾尔莎(Idina Menzel饰)穿过臭氧层的歌曲,是安娜(Kristen Bell饰)自信的力量颂歌,还有一个80年代灵感来自乔纳森·格罗夫的《克里斯托夫》的果酱,标志着这部电影出类拔萃的惊喜——正是因为这个原因,EW想要一清二楚:在看电影之前不要听配乐。在《冰冻2》中,这些孤立的曲调不仅没有体现出它们在黑暗、更危险的叙事中令人惊讶的地位,而且如果电影的上映结果与上次一样,那么在接下来的一年里,你会听到很多这些歌曲。如此之多,你可能只是踢自己在冻结分形得到一个开端。

Walt Disney Animation Studios has released the full soundtrack to Frozen 2, a full week ahead of the film’s icily-anticipated Nov. 22 debut. After the overwhelming success of the first film’s soundtrack (which is No. 4 on the Billboard 200 albums of the decade chart), all eyes are on the movie’s seven new songs written by award-winning married songwriting team Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. The deluxe-edition Frozen 2 original motion picture soundtrack also includes song outtakes, instrumentals, and pop covers (by Panic! at the Disco, Weezer, and Kacey Musgraves) as well as an epic new score by returning composer Christophe Beck.
  Among the 46-track album’s highlights are two showstoppers belted through the ozone layer by Elsa (Idina Menzel), a confident power anthem for Anna (Kristen Bell), and an ‘80s-inspired jam for Jonathan Groff‘s Kristoff that marks the film’s standout surprise — and it’s for exactly that reason that EW wants to be crystal clear: Don’t listen to the soundtrack before seeing the film. Not only do the isolated tunes not do justice to their surprising place in the darker, more dangerous narrative showcased in Frozen 2, but if the movie’s release turns out to be anything like what happened last time, you’ll hear these songs plenty over the next year. So much so, you might just kick yourself in the frozen fractals for getting a head start.


1.All Is Found - Evan Rachel Wood(2:05)
2.Some Things Never Change - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff & Cast of Frozen 2(3:29)
3.Into the Unknown - Idina Menzel & AURORA(3:14)
4.When I Am Older - Josh Gad(1:51)
5.Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Cont.) - Jonathan Groff (0:26)
6.Lost in the Woods - Jonathan Groff(3:00)
7.Show Yourself - Idina Menzel & Evan Rachel Wood(4:20)
8.The Next Right Thing - Kristen Bell(3:36)
9.Into the Unknown (From "Frozen 2") - Panic! At the Disco(3:09)
10.All Is Found (Kacey Musgraves Version) - Kacey Musgraves(3:03)
11.Lost in the Woods (Weezer Version) - Weezer(3:05)
12.All Is Found (Lullaby Ending) [Outtake] - Evan Rachel Wood(1:54)
13.Home (Outtake) - Kristen Bell(2:56)
14.I Seek the Truth (Outtake) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Patti Murin(4:01)
15.Unmeltable Me (Outtake) - Josh Gad(1:25)
16.Get This Right (Outtake) - Jonathan Groff & Kristen Bell(3:46)
17.All Is Found (Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(2:07)
18.Some Things Never Change (Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(3:27)
19.Into the Unknown (Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
20.When I Am Older (Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(1:52)
21.Reindeer(s) Are Better Than People (Cont.) [Instrumental] - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(0:14)
23.Show Yourself (Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(4:18)
24.The Next Right Thing (Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(3:36)
25.Into the Unknown (Panic! At The Disco Version/Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(3:08)
26.All Is Found (Kacey Musgraves Version/Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(3:01)
27.Lost in the Woods (Weezer Version/Instrumental) - Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez(3:02)
28.Introduction - Christophe Beck(0:59)
29.The Northuldra - Christophe Beck(2:35)
30.Sisters - Christophe Beck(1:05)
31.Exodus - Christophe Beck(1:21)
32.The Mist - Christophe Beck(2:42)
33.Wind - Christophe Beck(3:06)
34.Iduna's Scarf - Christophe Beck & Cast of Frozen 2(4:37)
35.Fire and Ice - Christophe Beck(3:16)
36.Earth Giants - Christophe Beck(1:57)
37.The Ship - Christophe Beck(4:55)
38.River Slide - Christophe Beck(2:32)
39.Dark Sea - Christophe Beck(2:47)
40.Ghosts of Arendelle Past - Christophe Beck(2:58)
41.Gone Too Far - Christophe Beck(3:43)
42.Rude Awakening - Christophe Beck(2:05)
43.The Flood - Christophe Beck(3:34)
44.Reindeer Circle - Cantus(1:40)
45.Reunion - Christophe Beck(3:50)
46.Epilogue - Christophe Beck(3:25)



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